Monday, June 15, 2009

Star wars

On Star Wars there are two teams Republic and the Separatist. If you want to know who is the Sith Lord, his name is Chancellor Palpintine. One of the strongest jedi warriors name is Master Yoda. The one you call Darth Vader is really Anikan Skywalker; a Jedi Knight and a Jedi General. His master Obi-wan Kenobi. In the later eras there was the Alliance and the Empire. Darth Vader the Sith Lord of the Sith owns the Clone Troopers. He changed the name into Storm Troopers. Also the bad guy for the Separatist are Battle Droids.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Solo, Great blog!I can't believe that someone else collects bread clips! Very exciting!
